Sunday, January 6, 2013

Passing the peace.

May the peace of the Lord be with you.  

This is what I worked on today.  I played around, experimented with texture, color and stencil making.  There's some deeper, spiritual meaning to this picture.  Something about art as a path to peace...something about peace as a path to art...something about the process and it's profound impact on both peace and art.  I can't really put it into words, other than the ones you find on this page.  I suppose it's for you to meditate on and make the connection for yourself.  

Curious about the practice of passing the peace?  Check out this awesome article.  Be sure to read to the end for a wonderful poem/prayer.  


Friday, January 4, 2013

I don't care much for reality...I prefer ART.

Donna Downey has a stamp with that phrase.  I love it, and as soon as I can, I'm going to buy it.

When I was in school--sixth grade, I think--some friends and I had our plan for life figured out.  We were going to move to the Black Forest of Germany and build a mansion.  They were all going to be veterinarians   I was going to be a writer.  And an interior designer.  I was going to have twelve kids and name three of them (the triplets, of course) Izzy, Dizzy, and Ozzy.

Things didn't turn out like we had planned.  That's not a bad thing, though it would have been totally awesome to have a slide that went from the fourth floor down to the basement pool.  

I've never really had a realistic view of the future.  What I wanted to be when I grew up changed from week to week.  I thought I had hit on something with horticulture  but my drama teacher convinced me that I really should be a stage manager.  After a semester I knew that the theatre was not the place for me.  So I registered as an undecided student.  I left college after the next semester, still with no idea of what I wanted to do.  Now, years later, I've figured it out.  

I'm an artist.  

Growing up, I never thought about being an artist.  It was just recently that I realized that I am an artist.  It's still hard for me to refer to myself as one.  I suppose it's insecurity.

However.  I am who I am.  I am who God created me to be. I cannot change that and be happy.  I cannot change that and live His will for my life.  

Focus is my word for 2013.  I'm going to focus on creating art.  And maybe, hopefully art will become my reality.  

Interested in seeing some of my art? Check out my ATC album.
