Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oh the craziness...

...of the season. It's beginning. I really shouldn't be taking the time to sit and blog, but I find the process to be therapeutic. I checked and Pandora has a folk Christmas music channel. Repeatedly hearing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is also therapeutic.

Today we began our St. Nick's celebration. My intentions were to make snow dough and have that for the girls to play with while I read them stories of the life of St. Nick. But the snow dough didn't work out. It never formed a ball, and was super sticky, no matter how much flour I added. So I chucked the snow dough and pulled out the modeling beeswax. Fidget made an angel and Bookie made a candle while I read some stories I found at this site. Both were added to our tree as decoration.

The most therapeutic moment of the evening came during the lighting of our Advent spiral. We cut the lights off, lit the candle and the Christmas tree. Bookie chose the booklet of the day from the Advent calendar my mom gave us and read to us. Fidget moved Mary and Joseph forward. On the radio played "O Come, O Come Emmanuel". And for a moment I found peace. Deep peace. Powerful peace. It washed over me, and then it passed.

I am thankful for moments like that.

Today I leave you with our Advent prayer. We sing this every day after we light our spiral, and we sing it every week with our church family.

Oh, hear us, we pray, God, for dark is the night.
And still we are waiting in hope for the light.
Oh, teach us to trust you, preparing the way,
Until with rejoicing we enter the day.


  1. I'm so glad you decided to blog today!

    I loved reading about your celebration of St. Nicholas' day.

    We celebrate on December 6th in our household so our festivities will begin in the morning with the children opening their stockings, then we'll go off to church. We'll light our home Advent wreath after Church and then read stories about St. Nicholas.

  2. Thanks Kari! I had never heard of St. Nicholas' day before. I was inspired by Alternatives for Simple Living to make Christmas more meaningful this year. St. Nick's day was a nice addition. Thanks for sharing your tradition. :)
