Friday, January 1, 2010

January's Change

Well, the first day of the new year is 3/4 over. It's time to declare January's change.

Let me start by saying that I'm generally of a green mind. I'm the one that people apologize to when they mention buying Styrofoam or bottled water. I'm the environmentalist. The treehugger. The dang hippie. With all of this in my favor, one would think that I would have to search for one small thing to change. But, alas. I have a dirty little secret.

Ahem. Hi, my name is Shawn, and my baby wears disposable diapers. (Hangs head in shame).

There. I said it. I admit that I have a problem and that my actions are hurting the earth. I need to change. I have cloth diapers, I just don't use them.

So that's it. This month I will choose cloth diapers during the day. I will also spend time during the month researching and trying to determine what cloth options would work best for us at night.

I wonder what small change others will be making...


  1. Lol...I love your confession! I think we all have our dirty little secrets and it is awesome for you to come out and say it! I am so excited that you are going to start using your cloth diapers. My kids are out of dipes, but we did use them with our second daughter and loved them! Good luck, and I look forward to hearing how it goes!

  2. Hey I too will confess, although my daughter does wear cloth diapers- her mama is addicted to Starbuck's soy chai lattes! We've all got something to work on! We use bum genius, regular cloth W/ covers, Gdiapers,Thirsties and some handmade. I've aquired them through friends & freecycle. Once you try it you might like it!! Good Luck and thanks for checking out my blog!!

  3. My baby is currently in disposables too - and I hate that I didn't invest in some good cloth nappies earlier. Good luck with your change!
