Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Coming full circle...

Wow!  What a difference a few years makes. In the three years that have passed we fellow travelers have experienced a load of adventure.  A farming venture, the death of a (dearly) loved one, beekeeping, public school, new family members.  I could bore you with the details, but having a three year old boy does not allow me time for lengthy, detailed posts.

We have come full circle.  In the search for who we are, we have returned to our first loves.  Dan is again writing poetry, and I have returned to art.  I can only refer to myself as an artist in hushed tones.  Saying it out loud would invite ridicule.  Posting it on a blog probably makes it more open to ridicule, but it's easier for me to read criticism than to hear the critics voice.

So this blog is changing, as I am changing.  More focus will be placed on art, the process of creating art, the sharing of art, etc.

Thank you for taking an interest in the journey.

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